Tools & Toys for Travel

Tools & Toys for Travel

Travel Toys & Products for Toddlers & Kids - Ease the Stress of Travel!

Travel toys and tools can alleviate stress and anxiety when traveling. Kids and teens can use chewelry to relieve the sensory overload of busy airports and noisy city streets. The soothing chew experience provides an outlet for stress. Fidgets are another convenient sensory tool. Parents and caregivers can stash them in a backpack or purse and offer kids tactile input during transitions or delays. Those with autism can self-regulate during long flights or car rides using weighted friends or lap pads for calming proprioceptive input. Create an oasis of calm by adding noise reduction headphones and a vibrating pillow. Kids and teens with ADHD or autism can benefit from using travel tools and toys during sensory breaks to handle changes in routine.