
Online Interactive
Courses on Vital
Sensory Topics

Learn in depth, on your time, anytime.

PDU’s available.


As an educator, you care deeply
about your students.

Yet sometimes you notice some
baffling behaviors…


Liam gets angry and often yells 
when told to come in from recess.


Olivia sometimes retreats to a 
corner and cries during lunch.


Too often, Michael gets into physical 
fights in the playground.

You wish you knew why and how to help...


Course I

Sensory Foundations of
Learning and Behavior

1.5 PDUs


Course I

Sensory Foundations of
Learning and Behavior

1.5 PDUs

Learn how to:


Identify and analyze different components of 
Understand how sensory processing affects
learning and behavior in the classroom
Use various sensory tools to meet students’ 
sensory needs
Create a plan for how to use a Break Box in 
your classroom
$115 per user*

You can’t put your finger on it, but
you intuitively feel 
there is some
similarity in the below scenarios:


Robert constantly complains about 
background noise in the classroom
that no one else notices.


Ethan always chews on his
clothing or pencils and has
trouble sitting still.


Matt is clumsy, bumping into
his desk or peers and often 
appears confused.

What’s the common thread and how can you help?

Course II

Promoting Effective
Sensory Processing

1.25 PDUs


Course II

Promoting Effective
Sensory Processing

1.25 PDUs

Learn how to:


Identify the various sensory profiles in your
classroom: sensory seekers, sensory avoiders
and sensory non discriminators
Develop strategies for effective sensory 
processing for all eight senses (yes, eight!)
Understand the relationship between sensory 
needs and emotional readiness to learn
$115 per user*

You’ve noticed some interesting
habits in your students:


Jennifer struggles to control the paper
while cutting a handout with scissors
in class.


Noah has difficulty alternating 
his feet when walking up the 
stairs to the school library.


Patricia seems to do a lot of
twisting in her seat when trying to
reach something on her desk.

What activities are effective in addressing these challenges?

Course III

Promoting Effective
Bilateral Integration



Course III

Promoting Effective
Bilateral Integration




The developmental process of bilateral 
integration and how it is impacted by body 
How bilateral integration affects fine motor
skills, reading and writing skills
How to create activities to help improve 
students’ bilateral integration
$115 per user*

Frequently Asked Questions:

What makes these courses interactive?

How long do these courses take to complete?

How long do I have to complete the course?

Do I have to complete the course in one sitting?

How do I receive certification/PDUs?

*I want to purchase these courses for my entire staff. Is there a package deal for multiple users?

I want to purchase both Course 1 and Course 2. Do you have a bundle option?

Do you have a bundle option for all three courses?

For further information or questions, please feel free to reach out at: / 1-800-231-6329.

Learn Effective Strategies for Sensory Challenges

You owe it to yourself.
You owe it to your students.