Author: Elisheva Schreiber

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Elisheva leads our sales team with expertise and empathy. She models our values of listening, developing effective solutions, and going above and beyond to meet each customer's needs. Whether it’s a sensory room or a complex set of goals, customers rely on Elisheva’s creativity to execute their vision. She and the sales team build long-term relationships with schools, businesses and communities. Idealistic yet pragmatic, Elisheva is committed to enabling individuals to reach their fullest potential. She demonstrates a keen understanding of children and teens, reflecting her experience in both formal and informal educational settings. A dedicated mom, Elisheva appreciates the impact of hidden disabilities and she is passionate about creating a more inclusive world.

All blog posts of the author Elisheva Schreiber

Benefits of Classroom Corners

Benefits of Classroom Corners

Classroom corners support student behavior by providing a sensory-based solution that allows...