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Boredom or Motor Planning Issues?

Boredom or Motor Planning Issues?

 Boredom or Motor Planning Issues? As quarantine continues and summer marches on, you might have...
Benefits of Sensory Play

Benefits of Sensory Play

Playtime and childhood often go hand in hand, or even seem synonymous for many people. We may...
Challenges of Wearing Face Masks with SPD/ASD

Challenges of Wearing Face Masks with SPD/ASD

Has anyone ever told you that your face is easy to read? We often take facial expressions for...
Noise Sensitivity

Noise Sensitivity

  Noise SensitivitySensitivity to loud noises could be, but is not necessarily, a sign of...
Coronavirus: Expecting the Unexpected

Coronavirus: Expecting the Unexpected

School is closed. Now what? The email came. Your child’s school is closed for at least two...
#DreamDifferent with Michael Kutcher

#DreamDifferent with Michael Kutcher

We’d like to introduce you to a disability rights activist, motivational speaker, gamechanger,...
Heel First! Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Toe Walking

Heel First! Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Toe Walking

 Does your child walk on the toes or balls of the feet? Toe walking can lead to falling, and may...
Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder in a 3-Year-Old

Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder in a 3-Year-Old

Are you troubled by some behaviors that you are seeing in your 3-year old? Chances are they may be...