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5 Benefits of Bean Bag Chairs

5 Benefits of Bean Bag Chairs

Bean bag chairs may not be your first choice for seating. But should they be? Studies show that...
6 Common Household Items that Sensory Seekers Love

6 Common Household Items that Sensory Seekers Love

 Is your child a sensory seeker? If they seem to be constantly on the lookout for more sensory...
Building Social Skills While Social Distancing

Building Social Skills While Social Distancing

 As lockdowns, school closures, and changing restrictions continue, a question many parents...
Do Fidgets Help Kids Transition?

Do Fidgets Help Kids Transition?

Transitions always have their challenges. Kids find comfort in familiarity and routine, meaning...
Sensory Solutions for Trauma in Kids

Sensory Solutions for Trauma in Kids

 Over the course of 2020, we’ve all found ourselves in unexpected and difficult circumstances....

5 Indoor Fine Motor Activities to Do At Home

5 Indoor Fine Motor Activities to Do At Home Few of us were prepared for the challenge of keeping...

Sensory Solutions on the Go

 Is your kids’ school reopening? Continuing with distance learning? Is your child receiving...
Boredom or Motor Planning Issues?

Boredom or Motor Planning Issues?

 Boredom or Motor Planning Issues? As quarantine continues and summer marches on, you might have...
Benefits of Sensory Play

Benefits of Sensory Play

Playtime and childhood often go hand in hand, or even seem synonymous for many people. We may...
Challenges of Wearing Face Masks with SPD/ASD

Challenges of Wearing Face Masks with SPD/ASD

Has anyone ever told you that your face is easy to read? We often take facial expressions for...
Noise Sensitivity

Noise Sensitivity

  Noise SensitivitySensitivity to loud noises could be, but is not necessarily, a sign of...
Creating an Obstacle Course In Your Home

Creating an Obstacle Course In Your Home

One of the best ways to work on balance, coordination and motor planning skills for young children...

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