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A Quick Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder

A Quick Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder

Our Quick Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) can help you identify behavior patterns and...
Holiday Gift Guide for 2017

Holiday Gift Guide for 2017

Holidays are so incredibly special. Who doesn't love the sights, sounds, scents and tastes of this...
Strategies to Prevent Emotional Meltdown

Strategies to Prevent Emotional Meltdown

It feels like a tsunami when it happens, a tantrum or emotional breakdown. We are just...
Fun and Function at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum

Fun and Function at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum

Here at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum (GRCM), we strive to create an environment that is...
Just Scoot! 8 New Activities for Your Scooter

Just Scoot! 8 New Activities for Your Scooter

Scooters are fun! But they also offer a tremendous amount of physical and sensory benefit. From...
Say This, Not That: Advice for Curious Kids and Parents

Say This, Not That: Advice for Curious Kids and Parents

I've only been operating under this "special needs parent" label for four years, but I've picked up...
Best Ideas for Classroom Behavior Management

Best Ideas for Classroom Behavior Management

A kindergarten teacher recently commented that going back to school after a long summer is like...
A New Study Highlights the Impact of an Adapted Sensory Environment

A New Study Highlights the Impact of an Adapted Sensory Environment

Question: I'm a pediatric OT and it's sometimes difficult to persuade families and schools to...
Will you be my friend?

Will you be my friend?

Question: My child is 7 years old and has a hard time concentrating at school and following...
What Will Help my Student Focus in Class?

What Will Help my Student Focus in Class?

Question: My student has difficulty following classroom instruction. He sucks his thumb to calm...
Teaching Social Skills for Life

Teaching Social Skills for Life

Not everyone is born with an innate ability to socialize. For some people, including those with...
Wearable Weights for Your Sensory Diet

Wearable Weights for Your Sensory Diet

Weight may not help your waistline but wearable weights can do wonders for your ability to...

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