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Vacation-Friendly Sensory Tools

Vacation-Friendly Sensory Tools

Heading out? Pack vacation-friendly sensory tools for your time away from home., including a...
Building a Budget Friendly Sensory Room

Building a Budget Friendly Sensory Room

Starting to build a sensory “room” can be a daunting task...what should the purpose of the...
Amazing Athletes Week

Amazing Athletes Week

Outstanding Athletes Sports are for everyone! Sports have amazing potential to teach...
Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Looking for some new books to keep your kids engaged and entertained this summer? We picked out our...
5 Tips to Reduce Sensory Meltdown

5 Tips to Reduce Sensory Meltdown

5 WAYS TO REDUCE SENSORY MELTDOWNS OVER THE HOLIDAYSEver notice how sensory meltdowns spike during...
Autism Elopement: 10 Safety Strategies

Autism Elopement: 10 Safety Strategies

Autism elopement or wandering is a common challenge. Sometimes children with autism roam to a...
OT Awareness Month: Celebrating Those We Serve

OT Awareness Month: Celebrating Those We Serve

April is a Occupational Therapy Awareness Month. The American Occupational Therapy Association...
7 Tips for Mealtimes with Picky Eaters

7 Tips for Mealtimes with Picky Eaters

Mealtimes can be a time of fun and great company, but can also be very stressful for everyone...
Sensory Play! Swing for Doorway

Sensory Play! Swing for Doorway

When purchasing swings, people often overlook the benefits of a swing bar. Most people grab the...
Checklist of Sensory-friendly School Supplies

Checklist of Sensory-friendly School Supplies

What can help your child calm and focus at school? Sensory-friendly school supplies to the rescue!...
8 Tips to Ease into your School Routine

8 Tips to Ease into your School Routine

Back to school already! Kids and adults can find it tough to adjust to the school routine after...
Sensory chew to calm and de-stress

Sensory chew to calm and de-stress

Chew on this! A sensory chew or chewelry is a playful tool for sensory integration, oral motor...

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