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Fidgeting Again? 5 Moves for You!

Fidgeting Again? 5 Moves for You!

By now you may be the proud owner of a fidget or perhaps even a collection of professionally...
How to Thrive on the 4th of July

How to Thrive on the 4th of July

  Ready for July 4th? If your family is divided about whether fireworks are...
Chores: Heavy Work for Every Age

Chores: Heavy Work for Every Age

Exercise is a relatively modern day need born from our sedentary lifestyles. Though we no longer...
Personal Space: Strategies for Setting Boundaries

Personal Space: Strategies for Setting Boundaries

If you and I were talking and then I step back, would you remain in place or move closer? Picking...
Simon Says: Use Coordination to Focus & Attend

Simon Says: Use Coordination to Focus & Attend

Do you remember playing Simon Says? Well, it wasn't just a silly game to keep you out of trouble....
Valentine’s Day Sensory Solutions

Valentine’s Day Sensory Solutions

It's the one day of the year when we all think of LOVE. Valentine's Day is all about chocolate,...
Safety Tips: Chewable Jewelry for Kids with ADHD

Safety Tips: Chewable Jewelry for Kids with ADHD

So you have a biter? Or a child who incessantly chews on their clothes, fingers, pencil tops and...
Winter Exercise For Sensory Seekers

Winter Exercise For Sensory Seekers

It's time to Winterize! If you have kids who are climbing the walls or can't sit still, they...
Toys and Tools for Teaching

Toys and Tools for Teaching

I don't know about you, but I think teaching and learning are much more fun if there are props,...
Sensory Gift Guide for 2016

Sensory Gift Guide for 2016

This sensory gift guide was written for Fun and Function by Kristin Novotny from Little Mama...
Best Holiday Gifts for Kids (and adults) with Sensory Needs

Best Holiday Gifts for Kids (and adults) with Sensory Needs

Holiday season is just around the corner! If there are children in your life with unique...
Meltdowns? 6 Strategies to Manage Social Anxiety

Meltdowns? 6 Strategies to Manage Social Anxiety

 "My son has meltdowns in a crowd or around guests. Help!"  – Mom of 9-year-old  Meltdowns...

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