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Classroom Gifts for Your Teacher

Classroom Gifts for Your Teacher

Get a great gift for your teacher, easily! Whether your child is in a special needs school or a...
Activities for Kids With Learning Disabilities

Activities for Kids With Learning Disabilities

It's her 3rd time reviewing fractions with Jason and yet he is still just as confused as the first...
Holiday Gift Guide 2015: Sensory Toys for Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder

Holiday Gift Guide 2015: Sensory Toys for Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder

Shopping for gift ideas for a sensory sensitive individual? Someone with autism? Sensory...
Best Toys For 5 Year Old With Autism

Best Toys For 5 Year Old With Autism

Finding the right toy for your five-year-old who has special needs can prove to be quite...
Social Skill Activities for Kids with Autism

Social Skill Activities for Kids with Autism

Not everyone is born with innate ability to socialize appropriately. Social norms are learned from...
Early Intervention for Children with Sensory Needs

Early Intervention for Children with Sensory Needs

Babies are born with sensory needs. As parents and caretakers, we address those needs daily...
Seven Ideas for Pet Therapy

Seven Ideas for Pet Therapy

We all love our pets and the benefits they provide are simply immeasurable. Whether you own a dog,...
6 Strategies to Manage Stress in Middle School

6 Strategies to Manage Stress in Middle School

My tweens are back to school. 7th grade. I've sent 2 down this road already and I know this year...
Eight Tips for Grandchildren with Autism

Eight Tips for Grandchildren with Autism

  There is a special bond between a grandparent and a grandchild. What...
Building a Sensory Diet for Your Classroom

Building a Sensory Diet for Your Classroom

Calling all sensory savvy teachers! Integrating a sensory diet in your classroom can lead to...
Checklist to Create Your Own Sensory Space

Checklist to Create Your Own Sensory Space

If you have ever stepped into a multi-sensory room, you have immediately experienced a kind of...
Countdown to July 4th: Five Survival Tips

Countdown to July 4th: Five Survival Tips

Ready for July 4th? If your family is divided about whether fireworks are spectacular or a noisy...

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