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5 Packing Tips for Sensory Savvy Campers

5 Packing Tips for Sensory Savvy Campers

The balmy days of spring are giving away to the sweltering days of summer. Kids are itching to be...
Don't Sleep in Your Weighted Vest! Helpful Strategies for Bedtime

Don't Sleep in Your Weighted Vest! Helpful Strategies for Bedtime

"Can my child sleep in a weighted vest?" is the type of question that often arises when parents...
The Why, When and Which of Weighted Blankets

The Why, When and Which of Weighted Blankets

Are weighted blankets worth the price or are they just a fad? Weighted blankets have received many...
Benefits of Classroom Corners

Benefits of Classroom Corners

Classroom corners support student behavior by providing a sensory-based solution that allows...
The Benefits of Chewies for Children with Autism and SPD

The Benefits of Chewies for Children with Autism and SPD

Many children with sensory processing disorders (SPD) and autism have a tendency to chew on any...
Wandering and Elopement

Wandering and Elopement

If you’re the parent of a child with autism, you may have experienced wandering or elopement....
What is the Difference Between Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder?

What is the Difference Between Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sensory processing disorder (SPD) are two neurodevelopmental...
Sensory Activities for Heavy Handwork

Sensory Activities for Heavy Handwork

We often think of heavy work activities for the whole body, such as carrying heavy books or...
3 Activities to Support Inclusion

3 Activities to Support Inclusion

Join us in empowering people as we celebrate World Autism Month in April. By bringing awareness to...
Why Try Occupational Therapy for Sensory Processing Disorder

Why Try Occupational Therapy for Sensory Processing Disorder

Many children struggle with everyday activities like getting dressed, eating or going to school....
Exercise for Kids with ASD

Exercise for Kids with ASD

Exercise is an important component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for all children. In the...
Six Heavy Work Activities for Kids with Sensory Needs

Six Heavy Work Activities for Kids with Sensory Needs

Engaging the body and the brain is important for kids with sensory processing disorders, autism,...

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