We have a new Featured Parent to introduce you to! Cindy is a parent to kids with special needs and graciously answered a few questions.


Fun and Function: Who are you and your kids?

Cindy Urso: My name is Cindy Urso. My daughter's name is Ashley, she is 20 years old. My son's name is January and he is 14.


FF: What is the nature of their special needs?

CU: Ashley has Down Syndrome and Jan has Aspergers Syndrome.


FF: What would you say is your biggest challenge in raising a child with special needs?

CU: I would have to say the biggest challenge for us has been ignorant people and bullying.


FF: What would you say is your greatest joy in raising your kids?

CU: The greatest joy these incredible kids have brought to me is how much they have taught me about the world and what is really important!


FF: What would you say has been the biggest help to you in raising your kids?

CU: The biggest help I've had has been wonderful family and friends!


FF: Give us one tool you would hate to live without.

CU: One tool I absolutely couldn't live without is the internet! It has brought me so much information, and I've met so many great parents because of it!

  FF: If you could give one piece of advice to another parent who's child has just been diagnosed, what would it be?

CU: One piece of advice to a parent just learning of a diagnosis is to be patient, don't try to learn everything at once. Every child will do what they can when they can. Love them just for them!


Cindy, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us and all the readers here at Fun and Function.

If you would like to be a featured parent or professional, just let us know!